Which are the use cases for IoT in Industry

How can the IoT be used in industry?

Industrial IoT (for Industrial Internet of Things) can be used for:

  • Operations
  • Maintenance
  • Logistics
  • Employee support
  • Customer relations

In the following example uses of the IoT, we have focused on the production phase, taking into account industry operators.



  1. Example uses of the IoT in industry
  2. The IoT: industry stakeholders can get imaginative


Example uses of the IoT in industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) is familiar to the general public through connected objects, but it is also used by industry stakeholders. As such, your expectations are different, particularly because you must justify your purchases and technological changes. Not forgetting that new systems must benefit the company and generate clear returns. So it is important for you to identify potential opportunities from various IoT solutions. Discover our selection of industrial applications for the Internet of Things in the business world.

Remote asset monitoring and management

Industrial IoT can be used to remotely monitor and manage assets (equipment) using data.

A useful application for:

  • Stock management and automated renewal
  • Transitioning from a responsive approach to a proactive approach
  • Generating more usable information by better qualifying object data

A specific example: preventing a delivery delay due to a lack of labels.

Optimising production processes

In factories, time is money - perhaps more than ever. The IoT can be extremely helpful in industry and optimising production processes:

  • Helping to optimise manual processes
  • Optimising assets by detecting line underperformance
  • Increasing the rate of a production chain
  • Improving the efficacy of automated tasks

A specific example: optimal precision for automated welding.

Predictive maintenance

Any device needs maintenance to be used effectively in the long-term. The Internet of Things can improve performance through smart functions:

  • Identifying the warning signs of a failure
  • Triggering a proactive maintenance procedure
  • Scheduling maintenance at the most appropriate time

This predictive maintenance offers many benefits, including avoiding any interruption in a manufacturing process. To meet these needs, discover our partners like E-novACT, which uses IoT for predictive maintenance.

Smart diagnosis

Data generated by IoT sensors offers higher quality maintenance in the event of a failure:

  • Accessing your machine remotely to offer solutions to problems
  • Analysing part replacement to reduce travel 
  • The repair starts before the technician arrives on site.

A specific example: providing the correct spare parts before any trip.

Optimising scheduled maintenance

Like cars, machines need regular services. Maintenance can generate useful big data to benefit the equipment. After analysis, this data helps improve maintenance:

  • Assessing the time needed to change the part
  • Finding the ideal balance between supervision which is too frequent and not frequent enough.

The objective being to improve performance and reduce repair costs.

Improving building security

IoT applications also improve building security (via surveillance cameras) by:

  • Using a more suitable network (PAN, LPWAN, WAN, etc.) than LAN (Ethernet and Wi-Fi)
  • Directly processing information (smart objects).

A specific example: the surveillance camera only activates when it detects movement and sends the data via a secure network.


The IoT: industry stakeholders can get imaginative

The Internet of Things is only limited by industry stakeholders’ imagination. In addition to the IoT applications mentioned above, this collection of technologies can help improve:

  • Employee safety (smart clothing and contact sensors)
  • Working conditions, for example by adding remote functionalities on the dashboard
  • Protection of our natural environment by improving energy efficiency.

These issues are important and new IoT-based tools improve the value of your company over time, notably by improving its image and reputation.


Learn more about using the IoT in: