Your need

Your IoT project is in the initial Start / Proof of Concept phase.

You want to rapidly produce a functional prototype for a given Industrial IoT use case as part of a Proof of Concept (PoC) approach.

You have knowledge of the Arduino or STM32Cube environment.

We can provide you with the IoT Continuum Dev Kit. This development kit is provided to developers who want to start from scratch with an IoT Continuum-approved development kit. This kit is based on a STMicroelectronics STM32U585 microcontroller, a Sierra Wireless HL7812 connectivity module, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a temperature sensor, a humidity sensor and a pressure sensor.

With the IoT Continuum Dev Kit you can :

  • Check the technical feasibility of your project in a few weeks
  • Test LTE-M cellular connectivity
  • Develop your own application

Dev Kit

Easily prototype your IoT use case

  For full details of the Dev Kit, click here 


Allowing you to test and rapidly build a Proof of Concept 


       Order a Dev Kit       



Your IoT project is in the Minimum Viable Product / Pre-industrialisation phase.

You want to validate the hypotheses of your Industrial IoT uses case in real-life conditions as part of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach.

You have no particular knowledge of the Arduino or STM32Cube development environment.

We can provide you with the IoT Continuum User Kit. This pre-industrial kit is designed for innovation teams or product managers who want to quickly test and validate their hypotheses under real conditions with a turnkey kit. This stand-alone device is also based on a STMicroelectronics STM32U585 microcontroller and a Sierra Wireless HL7812 connectivity module.

For the sensors you will find a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a temperature sensor, a humidity sensor and a microphone. It also integrates an internal battery. It is based on a Zephyr OS and can be connected to Orange Live Objects.

With the IoT Continuum User Kit you can :

  • Prove that it works in real-life conditions
  • Optimise the design of your target IoT device
  • Facilitate the subsequent pre-production of your device

Allowing you to focus on Software development of the application using Zephyr


       Order a User Kit       



Your IoT project is in Deploy and Scale phase

You already have an Industrial IoT device and you want to redesign it or you want to directly manufacture it. 

You are from a business team. You want to deploy devices in different geographical areas with optimized subscription costs. You would like to secure manufacturing/logistics and to ensure component availability.

IoT continuum can propose you a Customized Offer with the following:

  • A Connectivity contract
  • A Manufacturing contract
  • A Procurement contract

       Ask for a Customized Offer